Saturday, 31 March 2007

Why Am I in Japan Working with WEC?

I had no interest in Japan up until I was finishing university. However I was interested in overseas development work. While doing my degree in geography, I would scan Tearfund's employment opportunities, choosing my future job in relief work overseas or from the office in the UK. I had already been in Uganda, and I added to this a summer of work experience with a team in Zimbabwe.

While in my final year at university, I went to Spring Harvest Word Alive (a large-scale Christian conference/festival). On the stage one evening, a young lady spoke about her mission work in Japan; she said there was a real need for Christians in Japan. It didn't mean anything to me; in fact I thought what an unappealing place! The following year, when working alongside UCCF, I heard more from this lady: Rosanne Jones from OMF. The idea of mission work grew on me; I also knew the seriousness of it. However by the end of that year, I spoke with Rosanne, telling her I was interested.

I then moved to Oxford to 'move on' with my life. This was a great step that opened up to me. I started learning about new things - about discipleship in the Christian family (church), about being healed by God of personal insurmounable things that hold us back in different ways, of living and working with other young adults, of the gifts of the Spirit being used in church services, and of the mission of God - to reach all nations/people groups, and of the church-planting effort to bring this about. In particular, four individuals were very important - Elaine, who I lived with for three years, and thus learned to form 'community' with; she also introduced me to some relevant people. The next were Len and Debi Bartlotti, mission experts who took me under thier wing and who, together with Naomi Gray, taught me all of the above lessons that I have mentioned through modelling those things to me. I thank all these individuals, plus Tim and Sophie for being lovely friends and listening to many thoughts!

My work at IFES had been great, but it felt like I had reached the end. I handed in my notice at a time when things were changing. I thought I would teach English in Japan for a year, while checking out mission agency options. But in the end, and after a visit to Japan in Spring 2005, I didn't do the teaching bit first. I found mission agencies, and afetr some meetings chose WEC. There was enough of them (ie. about 20 workers in Japan), they were in a place I liked (Kansai) and had Japanese friends already, but most of all I knew in my heart that it was the best option, for me. I completed application forms and interviews, followed by a two-month Candidate Orientation course, and was accepted into WEC in March 2006. I was supported and then commissioned by my church in Oxford in August 2006, at a service where Keith Elmitt (church mission elder), Sally Snelson (my church link) and Sharon Skrzypczak (community-group leader with husband Simon) prayed for me.

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